Wednesday, February 2, 2011

U.S. War Propaganda

In class last week, we looked at posters that were made during the WWI and WWII eras. There was one in particular that really made me think, it was one of Hitler and I assume Tojo (The Japanese dictator at the time. They were both giants and had evil looks on their faces. Both were standing over the U.S. Hitler was holding a gun and the Japanese man had a bloody knife. I find it interesting the choice of weapons that were picked for this poster. Germany was renowned for its' firepower, and Japan was know to be a "savage" people, there are even stories written from soldiers stating that Japanese soldiers cut open the wombs of pregnant women. Overall I find the poser somewhat comedic, mainly because of the look on their faces, as well as very American. It isn't really that affective today, but back then I'm sure it did pretty well itself.

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